Wendi Mulligan, Occupational Therapist

Wendi Mulligan

Occupational Therapist

Accepting clients
Updated 5 days ago

I am an OT with a focus on treating clients with Tourette Syndrome, chronic tic disorders and functional neurological disorders using CBIT.

I am an occupational therapist who has been practicing for 25 years working with children and adults in a variety of environments to include pediatric outpatient and private practice as well as home health. I am certified in Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) by the Tourette Association of America. The Comprehensive Behavior Intervention for Tics (CBIT) program is a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and habit reversal training that consists of weekly 1-1 video chat sessions for individuals whose goal is to significantly reduce tics and associated symptoms in a short amount of time. CBIT is systematically designed to teach self-awareness of one tic at a time, then using a specific protocol - implement an alternative movement that is incompatible with the tic. This process is reinforced through daily use of strategies and will result in a significant reduction of tics. This process is repeated and adapted for each tic the individual has. Throughout the program, the individual will learn strategies to increase confidence, advocacy skills and reduce sensory hypersensitivities, anxiety, and co-morbid OCD.

Remote / In-person
Speaks English
Emergency number not available

Areas of focus

Areas of expertise

  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Age groups

  • Preteens (10-12)
  • Teens (13-17)
  • Young adults (18-30)
  • Adults (31-64)

Remote options

  • Video

Payment options

  • Documentation provided for patient filling
  • Out-of-network insurance
  • Out-of-pocket



  • occupational therapy

    North Carolina Board of occupational therapy

    4909, North Carolina

  • occupational therapy

    South Carolina Board of occupational therapy

    6393, South Carolina


  • Comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics (CBIT)

    Tourette association of America

    Certified in CBIT which is a habit reversal therapy program to help reduce frequency of motor and vocal tics
