Judi Oleski, Psychologist

Judi Oleski


Not accepting clients
Updated 6 days ago

Clients can be assured that they will receive my full attention, and will be treated with respect and compassion.

I was born and raised in central Pennsylvania. I received a Bachelors degree in Art Therapy and a Masters degree in Counseling from Penn State University. I worked in Student Life at Penn State for several years before starting my Ph.D. program in Psychology at Indiana State University. I interned at Duke University and ultimately put roots down in Chapel Hill. I am fully licensed and insured to practice Psychology in North Carolina. I have been married to my husband for over thirty years. Together, we raised two sons who also graduated from Penn State University and are currently living and working in Seattle. My favorite way to spend time is at home - entertaining family and friends. I am an avid swimmer (and Michael Phelps fan), who enjoys art projects, cooking, cats, Saturday Night Live, and red wine. Creativity and humor are fundamental to my personal well-being. As a therapist, I am open minded and non-judgemental. My primary concern is always with my client’s welfare and believe that trust and confidentiality are essential components to a healthy therapeutic relationship. Clients can be assured that they will receive my full attention, and will be treated with respect and compassion, and that every effort will be made to deliver professional psychological services that affect positive change and improve mental health.

Remote / In-person
Speaks English
Emergency number not available
Treats suicidal ideation
WhiteCisgender Woman

Areas of focus

Areas of expertise

  • Abuse
  • Adoption
  • Aging
  • Anxiety
  • Body Image
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Eating Concerns
  • Gender Identity
  • Hoarding
  • Infertility
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sleep Concerns

Age groups

  • Teens (13-17)
  • Young adults (18-30)
  • Adults (31-64)
  • Seniors (65 or older)

Remote options

  • Video

Payment options


In-network coverage provided for the following insurance companies

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield – North Carolina
  • In-network insurance



  • Dr. Judi Oleski

    2161, North Carolina
