Anna Lutz
Accepting clients
Updated 10 days ago
I am an RD that specializes in eating disorders, family feeding, and body image concerns. I see clients in Raleigh & we have offices in Durham and CH.
I am an RD that specializes in eating disorders, family feeding, and body image concerns. I see clients in Raleigh & we have offices in Durham and CH.
Remote / In-person
Speaks English
Emergency number not available
WhiteCisgender Woman
Areas of focus
Areas of expertise
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Binge-Eating Disorder
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Chronic Illness/Pain
- Compulsive Exercise
- Eating Concerns
Age groups
- Children (under 10)
- Preteens (10-12)
- Teens (13-17)
- Young adults (18-30)
- Adults (31-64)
- Seniors (65 or older)
Lutz, Alexander & Associates Nutrition Therapy
Office Building
1042 Washington StreetWashington SquareRaleigh, NC 27605
Open map
Remote options
- Video
Payment options
In-network coverage provided for the following insurance companies
- Blue Cross Blue Shield – Missouri
- DSHIP – North Carolina
- Documentation provided for patient filling
- In-network insurance
- Out-of-pocket
- Sliding scale
Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist
North Carolina Board of Dietetics
L002702, North Carolina
Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian
International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals
University of North Carolina
MPH (Master of Public Health), 2002
Duke University
BS (Bachelor of Science), 1995